Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Drum Roll Please.....

Here are the mentor teachers:
Mr. Martens:  Giezi, Daniel, Ryan
Mr. Fritzsche:  Tia, Sara, Stephanie, Manu, Kyle, Karen
Mr. Finockio:  Eskender, Kiran, Akosua, Josh M., Kaitlyn
Mr. Joseph:  Jonathon, Tamara, Josh P., Douglas
Ms. McMaster:  Cristina, Becca, Matt, Ruslan
Mr. McTavish:  Eva, Gabi, Riley, Anastasiya, Elvina
Ms. Beebe:  Brooke
Mr. Shaddock:  Shandra, Josette
Ms. Kowalyk:  Camille
Mr. Sucharyna:  Easton
Mr. Ward:  Vicky

If your name is not on this list, please see me ASAP. 
Your next responsibility is to meet with your mentor and make a plan for your research moving forward.  It is NOT your mentor's job to chase you down, so if you do not seek assistance, you will not get any.  Take this step seriously, and soon, so you have the opportunity to work on the essay over the summer.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Matches all matched?

It took me at least an hour and about 6 different formatting methods and highlight colours, but I think I have everyone matched.  I have emailed a draft to teachers and unless I get any objections, I will post mentors on Tuesday.

THEN, it is your job to connect with your mentor and make a plan for your essay's progress and how you will work together.

Mentor Matching

Thursday's mentor matching went very well:  speedy and lively!  I am now in the process of cross-referencing the lists and hope to post matches here by Tuesday.  If you did not attend, and had not already made arrangements with me, please see me ASAP or I will randomly assign a mentor.