Monday, November 7, 2011

First Drafts

To my extended essay students, I have completed my review of your first draft. Come see me to schedule a time to talk about it. Thanks.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Happy Summer (reading)!

Well, everyone, here I am at the lake, typing on my laptop with the Rogers Rocket Stick (that is an unpaid ad:  great product).  I have just starting working through  my box of reading material.  What are YOU reading?  Some material from the University of Winnipeg, perchance?  Remember that if you need anything, just send me email at or post here :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

U of W Library Cards

I spoke to the U of W today.  They have renewed all your books.  They are now due on July 14th.  All old PINs have been erased.  If you already established your own PIN you will need to do so again.  I'm working on the fines, but you obviously will not be responsible for them.  Any questions, please see me!

Monday, June 13, 2011

We were told that we can renew library books online but when I tried to do so I wasn't able to log in on the U of W library website, which needs to be done in order to renew. Is this because it's a 'Special Borrower' card? Do I have to go in to do all renewals?

Friday, June 10, 2011

Request from Mr. Fritzsche

If I am your mentor I would like you to send a message to so I have a copy of your email address and I can see how you are enjoying your summer break*. Several of you have approached me about meeting before June 30 and I think that is a good idea. Late next week or any time the week after would work best for me. Email me and suggest a date and time that works for you.

Thanks to Ms. McMaster for putting up this site and including the Bomber schedule. You can find me at every game and when I am not there i'll be golfing :)

*actually means I intend to harass you to get started over the summer - lesson is to always read the fine print!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Drum Roll Please.....

Here are the mentor teachers:
Mr. Martens:  Giezi, Daniel, Ryan
Mr. Fritzsche:  Tia, Sara, Stephanie, Manu, Kyle, Karen
Mr. Finockio:  Eskender, Kiran, Akosua, Josh M., Kaitlyn
Mr. Joseph:  Jonathon, Tamara, Josh P., Douglas
Ms. McMaster:  Cristina, Becca, Matt, Ruslan
Mr. McTavish:  Eva, Gabi, Riley, Anastasiya, Elvina
Ms. Beebe:  Brooke
Mr. Shaddock:  Shandra, Josette
Ms. Kowalyk:  Camille
Mr. Sucharyna:  Easton
Mr. Ward:  Vicky

If your name is not on this list, please see me ASAP. 
Your next responsibility is to meet with your mentor and make a plan for your research moving forward.  It is NOT your mentor's job to chase you down, so if you do not seek assistance, you will not get any.  Take this step seriously, and soon, so you have the opportunity to work on the essay over the summer.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Matches all matched?

It took me at least an hour and about 6 different formatting methods and highlight colours, but I think I have everyone matched.  I have emailed a draft to teachers and unless I get any objections, I will post mentors on Tuesday.

THEN, it is your job to connect with your mentor and make a plan for your essay's progress and how you will work together.

Mentor Matching

Thursday's mentor matching went very well:  speedy and lively!  I am now in the process of cross-referencing the lists and hope to post matches here by Tuesday.  If you did not attend, and had not already made arrangements with me, please see me ASAP or I will randomly assign a mentor.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Speed Dating!

We have reserved Thursday, May 19 at 3:30 for "speed dating" to match you up with your extended essay mentor teacher.  You will be required to come with a research question and a book list, and ready to explain your idea. 
***Please make every possible effort to clear your schedule for this event.  Otherwise I may match you with someone you don't want to date for the next 18 months....

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Summer Meetings

Once, an IB student had a dream...

No but in all seriousness, this one is from Kaitlyn

I am posting to ask and see if anyone would be willing to meet up, during the summer time, at a library or some other place of books and shushing elderly people, to discuss and do some actual research for this monster of an essay.

Now you are asking yourself
"Self, why should I break the beautiful dream that is my summer so that I can go to a library with a bunch of mildly unbalanced people?"

A simple answer. The number of people who might actually work on this over the summer is so small we would have to take a higher math to calculate it. All I am suggesting is that perhaps we go in small groups, just enough so that you don't get distracted by non school related things like sunshine and freedom.

Tell mah what you think, any negative criticism will make me cry

Monday, April 18, 2011

start early!!!!!!

U of W Library Training

I have booked our next training session on Wednesday, May 11 in slot 5 in room 12.  This will cover the U of W library layout, how to search an academic library, and how not to get lost (without relying on bread crumbs).  If you need to miss a class, send me an email and I will ensure your absence is excused.  I am also willing to beg your teacher to let you miss, if necessary.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Extended Essay Topic Ideas!

Share your thoughts by posting a comment here:  what are your ideas for a topic?  (RQ not yet required)